A positive outlook on developmental delays

We live on Harper’s timeline. Down syndrome impacts Harper’s development. From walking to talking, she has to work harder to achieve what comes more naturally to typically developing children. The pressure to meet milestones with her peers is minimal. For the most part Harper’s pace is a delightful place to live in. 

There are some perks of the slower development. We got to enjoy baby snuggles longer. She started crawling around 13 months, so we were able to easily watch her and get work done. However as she gets older, I’m more aware of the widening gap. It can be difficult to watch her peers and those younger accelerate through milestones leaving Harper behind. It’s important to keep my mindset focused on “not yet” instead of “can’t”. (I talk about this more in my previous blog, How to ask better questions.) Here are a few positive spins on Harper’s slower development. 

She isn’t talking yet, but she sure can giggle. 

The sound of her giggle melts your heart. And it doesn’t take much to get her going! Her face lights up and the joyous sound echoes through the house. It is a balm to a sour attitude or rough day. 

She isn’t walking yet, but she can dance. 

Dance is one of the words Harper understands. She doesn’t even need music to bust a move. All you have to do is ask her to dance and she starts the cutest little shimmy. It is also accompanied with a sweet smile. Harper started doing this when Eli was born. I truly believe this was a timely gift from God as we walked through the hard uncertainty of a long NICU stay. Because you just can’t help but smile when she grooves. 

She isn’t signing yet, but she can high five. 

Harper might not use any signs and it took her a long time to wave, but she can give you a high five. And like everything Harper does you will receive a smile with that high five. It is a fun greeting. I love watching her communicate and interact by using high fives. 

What Harper lacks in development she makes up in her infectious joy. Wherever we go she attracts people to her. She brightens days. Harper’s spirit is a beautiful gift we get to witness everyday. For now we will remember this as we cheer her on towards her developmental milestones. 

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