Waiting to be called mama

I want to hear my name
And not the one that was given to me at birth
A name I dreamed of that I would hear one day

But all we hear is Dada all day long
And I long for a Mama song

They laugh and cry
Grin and whine
Yell and cling
But no words they fling

I am sad that those voices don’t call my name
The verbal syllables I want to hear

I know deep down and remind myself often
Communication is so much more than words

But it still hurts to not be called my name
The name that claims them as my own
The declaration to the world
That they belong to me and I to them

But all we hear is Dada all day long
And I long for a Mama song

I just want to be called Mama
Is that too much to ask

My heart aches at the sound of other little voices
The words that flow are amazing
But a stark reminder that I have none

So here I wait for the day that they will say my name
And it will be so sweet

But for now I have to settle
For hearing Mama in the
Laughs and cries
The grins and whines
The hugs and kisses
The locking of eyes that say
I love you Mama
You are mine and I am yours
I know who you are
I know you are my Mama
You are seen
You are needed
You are loved
You are cherished
Even if the name is never said

One comment

  1. Katrina stewart

    Laurie, your work is not only amazing and touched by God it’s a lifeline to all new mothers with children that have disabilities! I’ve read many articles on child rearing and the problems that can and do arise but your evaluations have a warm and touching quality that the other articles do not have, making this an ideal way of letting young mothers know they’re not alone and and they do have choices and there is joy at the end of the rainbow ! Keep up the great work ! Your so Blessed and needed ! Hugs to you and the babies, Trina

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